Foreign Deputation / Delegations / Tours

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Sr. No. Office Memorandum No. Title Date Download
11 - Travelling Allowance Rules - Implementation of the recommendations of the sixth CPC  (689.77 KB)
12 - Deputation/visits abroad exceeding five days - approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries  (32.35 KB)
13 - Delegation of Powers for approving foreign travel proposals  (273.76 KB)
14 - Instructions/guidelines on foreign travel - timely submission of cases  (295.91 KB)
15 - Deputations/delegations aboard - acceptance of invitation from Foreign Bodies/International organisations etc.  (108.57 KB)
16 - Deputations/delegations aboard of officials and /or non officials sponsored by Government of India  (78.26 KB)
17 - Deputation/Delegation aboard - Revised proforma for submission to the Screening Committee of Secretaries  (177.74 KB)
18 - Adherence to budget limits under the Foreign Travel Expenses Head  (47.57 KB)
19 - Participation in international Exhibitions/fairs etc.  (74.62 KB)
20 - Guidelines on Foreign Travel  (793.35 KB)