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Sr. No. Title Date Download
751 Guidelines on Expenditure management - Fiscal prudence and austerity  (155.14 KB)
752 Expenditure Management - Economy Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure  (756.52 KB)
753 Expenditure Management - Economy Measures, Rationalization of Expenditure and Measures for Augmentation of Revenues  (2.45 MB)
754 Enhancing the ceiling on furnishings etc., to be provided in the office and office portion of the residence of Ministers - Reg.  (36.39 KB)
755 Guidelines on Expenditure Management -Economy Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure  (1.1 MB)
756 Expenditure Management - austerity measures with respect to foreign travel  (84.15 KB)
757 Instructions on economy and austerity in Government Expenditure issued on June 05, 2008 (262 KB)  (261.65 KB)
758 Formulation, appraisal and approval of Plan schemes/projects Compendium  (230.96 KB)
759 Lifting of Temporary ban on cadre review/ cadre restructuring  (259.48 KB)
760 Outstanding audit objections - formation of Adhoc Committees for settlement thereof  (177.28 KB)