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Sr. No. Title Date Download
731 Outcome Budget 2012-2013 of the Flagship Programmes  (588 KB)
732 Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 - Date of next increment in the revised pay structure under Rule 10 of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008  (584.25 KB)
733 Leave/Tour during ensuing presentation of Union Budget  (167.83 KB)
734 Enhancement in the rate of Qualification Pay from Rs. 60/- to Rs. 120/- per month consequent upon the revision of scales of pay on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission  (376.16 KB)
735 Provision of computers at the residence of officers of the level of Joint Secretary or equivalent and above  (823.04 KB)
736 Meeting of Standard Audit Committee  (342.22 KB)
737 Assignment of Administrative Function to Financial Advisers and the officers working in IFD  (963.93 KB)
738 Timely submission of ATNs on the recommendations/observations of PAC - recommendation of the PAC made in their 36th Report (15th Lok Sabha)  (968.17 KB)
739 Provision of computers at the residence of officers of the level of Joint Secretary or equivalent and above  (151.55 KB)
740 Approval for holding International/National Seminars and Conferences etc.(HINDI)  (31.81 KB)