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Sr. No. Title Date Download
721 Purchase of Note Book/Lap-Top etc., by Ministries/ Departments - revision of guidelines, O.M. Dated 19th September, 2014  (193.42 KB)
722 Constitution of Expenditure Management Commission  (677.16 KB)
723 Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 - application of the first proviso to Rule 10 in case of those who had been granted stagnation increment(s) in the pre-revised pay scales  (624.02 KB)
724 Grant of compensation in lieu of rent free accommodation  (215.94 KB)
725 Grant of one increment in pre-revised pay scale - OM dated 19.03.2013 - clarification  (854.33 KB)
726 Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying the same grade pay  (769.32 KB)
727 Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 - the re-exercised of option under Rule 6 of the Central Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 in case of employees covered under the OM dated 19.3.2012  (978.33 KB)
728 Approval for holding international / national seminar / conferences - support for delegates  (395.1 KB)
729 Purchase of Note Book/Laptop computers by Ministries/Departments, O.M. Dated 14th May, 2012  (42.7 KB)
730 Listing of Government Companies in the Stock Exchange, O.M. Dated 11th May, 2012  (2.29 MB)