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क्रमांक शीर्षक तारीख डाउनलोड
161 Amendment in General Financial Rules -GFRs- 2017 - Global Tender Enquiry -
162 Performance Security in terms of Rule 171 of GFRs 2017- Guidelines regarding -
163 Use of National Regulation or National Standard or Building codes in cases of Public Procurement in terms of Rule 144 -iii of GFR 2017 -
164 Force Majeure Clause - FMC -
165 Special instructions relating to relief operations for COVID-19 Global Pandemic Extension- corrigendum regarding -
166 Instructions regarding procurement by Indian Missions - COVID 19  (543.23 KB)
167 Special Instructions Relating to COVID Relief - Extension of Time on Procurement  (493.8 KB)
168 Freezing of Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief  (719.11 KB)
169 GoI Consent under Art 293-3 for raising OMB by States during 2020-21  (503.63 KB)
170 Special Instructions to facilitate the procurement and transportation of medical and other essential supplies relating to relief operations for COVID-19 global pandemic  (1.69 MB)